Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Monday 31 August 2020

Runway ML -- 2nd "Model" (more short poses)

I uploaded 1456 drawings from this blog to Runway ML, to create a second "model" using the nested StyleGAN2 program.

Runway ML summarized the whole concept in the above video.  This is a "latent space walk" video -- revealing a continuous morphing between 5 of the computer generated fake drawings (which are basically 5 points defined by the AI space of the "model.").

The 1456 drawings I uploaded to Runway ML are the short poses (usually 20 minute drawings) that I made from 2016 to the present (August 2020).  They are not all of the short poses, but most of the better ones posted on this blog.

I "trained" these drawings on the first AI "model" that I made in Runway ML, based on the 209 high resolution drawings that I uploaded from my book.  That's a bit self-referential, as this second "model" of my drawings was trained on the first "model" of my drawings.

I downloaded 500 computer generated fake drawings from the "model" (Truncation 1, Sampling Distance 1),  and cherry-picked the better ones below:

The second model gave me more variety and refined drawings than the first model, and handled the faces a little bit better.

Final FID score of 69.82
after the training was finished

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