Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Saturday 22 August 2020

Fake Videos

I brought my drawing to life, and made other fake videos with an online program called First Order Motion Model.  It takes a still portrait photograph and animates it -- making the lips move, the eyes blink, and the neck bob.  It does this with AI by mapping out the motion of a video of another person talking, onto the still portrait.

Runway ML is hosting this program -- First Order Motion Model -- and it was in there that I made my drawing sing above.  See this YouTube video. (Runway ML cost money).

To make the above animation, I used a portrait drawing that I did on August 11th.

There is a free program in Google Colab that I learned about from Twitter.  This website takes one through the step-by-step method of creating the fake video from a still photograph (it did not always work for me).  I had to install 7-Zip to get it to unzip the TAR files, and get the whole program to work.

To make the above animation I downloaded a portrait from my Automated Art Generators blog posting. I started by downloading a portrait from the website This Person Does Not Exist, and then developed it further in ArtBreeder.  But I never expected to make that fake person sing.

Fake person smirking

Holly let me know about this program, and cropped my mug from a photo on my blog, to make a fake video.  Then we elaborated on it:

This fake video technology surfaced last month on the 51st anniversary of the moon walk, when MIT released a fake video of Nixon on TV telling the American public that the astronauts had died (which did not happen).  The speech was actually written, in preparation for the worse.


This interactive Bob Dylan video has fake pushes the deep fakes to many new layers; hit the left button on the screen to switch between scenes, without missing a beat!


Robert Atkinson of Albuquerque is doing very sophisticated video with this kind of technology.

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