Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Monday 29 June 2020

Crossview -- Stereo 3D

If you cross your eyes, while looking at any pair of images below until they overlap, the large figure should pop out in front, in 3D.

Large figure comes forward
in front of the figure laying down

In reverse --
Large figure recedes

Reddit calls this "crossview," and has as a great example of a Moebius cityscape drawing, which pops out in the third dimension when one crosses their eyes.

The green pair below might be harder to see in this blog post.  Click it in this blog to make it bigger, or download it.  Some of the background figures also slightly distinguish themselves in the third dimension.

My "stereogram" or "crossview" images were easy to to create in Photoshop.  I just uploaded some of my PNG gesture drawings (with transparent backgrounds), and saved two variations.  The second variation was made by nudging the large figure over slightly in the horizontal direction.


Adric at Quelab made a pinhole camera out of of an old kid's lunchbox, that created "crossview" or stereogram pictures.

Previously I also made a stereogram 3D image of one of my drawings, using the online software Easy Stereogram BuilderI included this in a post on Anamorphic distortions.

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