Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Saturday 18 April 2020

Close to the Edge -- Part 3

I am still outlining my figures in PNG files, with an eye for making compositions.

down by a river🎵

I have been rescuing the gesture drawings in my old newsprint pads, outlining them in dark pencil, and scanning them.  Then I import them into Photoshop Elements and remove the background, then outline the gestures in color (Layer/Layer Style/Style Settings...), and save them as PNG files with a transparent background. The resulting figures below can be downloaded and collaged in Photoshop.

Manipulated with Sand Sculpt

An example of my gesture drawing
without adding the dark pencil line to the outside

Composite PNG file


The PNG files above can all be downloaded to make collages in Photoshop easily, as their backgrounds are transparent.

Background made in Geopattern,
when I typed in "krrrl"

I embedded the 3 figures above 
into the background
to make a stereogram (Magic Eye) --
if you cross your eyes you can see 
the 3 figures in a third dimension

Adric sent me this article about a lost blue pigment that medieval writers used for illustration.  This is not Mayan Blue or the YInMn Blue pigment.

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