Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Saturday 23 November 2019

November 20, 2019

Drawn at the Fine Arts Building at the New Mexico State Fair Grounds (Expo) in Albuquerque, organized by Don Johnson.

plus post editing

plus post editing

using the first image on this blog post
as the style sheet reference

Further processed,
by combining the above
with the image doctored in PaintsChainer

We drew in the Fine Art Building at the New Mexico State Fair grounds in Albuquerque, while the Veteran's Art Exhibition was up.  This was organized by LCDR Don Johnson USN.

Setting up at the Fine Art Building
under the Veteran's Art Exhibition

These musicians played during the whole 3 hour session

The next day, Martin Campos came in from Philadelphia, and we had a drink with Dennis Liberty at the top of Hotel Chaco in Albuquerque.

Beautiful view of the Sandia Mountians at sunset
at the top of Hotel Chaco

 Martin told us about Croquis Cafe, an online source of videos of models, to draw from. 

He also mentioned the book/exhibition Disrupted Realism.

And mentioned that Nicolas Uribe was big into sketchbooks as a form of art.  Perhaps we need to pass a sketchbook, back and forth between Albuquerque and Philadelphia.

He was fond of Edwige Fouvry and Benjamin Bjorklund.

Also I discovered that I could search blogspot blogs (like my own) on Blogspot Blog Search.  I wanted to see what bloggers were saying about Deep Dream Generator.


New Colors (Red-Green & Blue-Yellow: The Stunning Colors You Can't See)

New Geometrical form:  Scutoid

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