Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Sunday 30 June 2019

Computer Assisted Drawings

This year I have been enhancing my drawing with artificial intelligence, and any other online programs I can find.  PaintsChainer colors my drawings quickly, but Google's Deep Dream Generator alters them even more.


Google's Deep Dream Generator is the most exciting online program I know of to alter my drawings.  It is an AI  (artificial intelligence) program, that both colors and adds textures to my drawings (like "texture mapping" on 3D files).  However, I have to do some post-production in order to make the best images.  Usually I just blend the original image with the AI one produced by Deep Dream Generator, by faded one over the other in Photoshop.

I used a screen capture of the Marpi Biomes 
 as a style sheet for the above Deep Dream image

Then animated with EZ Gif

and mixed it up with my drawing
on Deep Dream Generator
to arrive at the above drawings to make the animated GIF

I enlarged the above drawing twice online in Let's Enhance, and printed it out large (18 x 21 inches) at Graphic Sky Printing in Santa Fe.  Download the 8784 x 10480 pixel drawing here (13.31 MB).

was enlarged, twice, with the online AI program Lets Enhance.  

Editing Process

Animated GIF with all the phases

This stringy photo was uploaded as the style source
to blend with my drawing
in Deep Dream Generator

The final image --
 I blended the raw Deep Dream image
with my original drawing 
by fading one over the other in Photoshop

Alternative and further manipulation of the same drawing


I often use the AI online program PaintsChainer to quickly color the drawings I scanned and uploaded to this blog.

 Runway ML

Runway ML is a developing source of artificial intelligence programs, one of which I used to alter my drawing:


There are a lot of online app programs on the 3D This website that will alter one's drawings online.

(from the June 1st blog post)


My drawing animated in 3D This, in the 3DFace app,
filmed with a digital camera, and uploaded to YouTube,
then converted into an animated gif in the 3D This i-Video app

(download obj file here)
(view online in online 3Dviewer)

This animated GIF
was created in Voxel Canvas,
uploaded to Mixamo,
filmed with digital camera,
and converted to animated gif with i-Video --


Over 200 drawings from my book -- Finish My Figure Drawings -- are available for download in high resolution, and can be manipulated by online programs.  All of these drawings are in the public domain.


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