Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Sunday 21 April 2019

April 18, 2019

Drawn at 3rd Street Arts in Albuquerque:

Update:  Hand printed on April 26th:

Hand printed with Akua intaglio ink,
on Aquabee paper

The red acrylic paint started coming off
after washing with dishwasher soap,
trying to get the Akua ink out of the deep cuts

Simulation of what the lino print would like like,
flipped and brought into high contrast in Photoshop

Henry Morales added some touches,
and gave me good advice

On April 22nd, my mini glass barren came in, to be used for printing relief plates by hand..  This is a new product by Iron Frog Press of Dallas, which I ordered at SGCI Dallas.  I'm calling it the Iron Tadpole.

Iron tadpole glass barren for printing

Update:  I made a quick proof with water based Speedball relief ink, on April 25th.

Materials for making the relief print
with Speedball water based relief ink

Quick relief proof

On May 1st, I cut the figure out of the linoleum, and printed on good paper.

Figure cut out of linoleum

Printed on good paper

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