Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Thursday 17 January 2019

January 16, 2019

Drawn at 3rd Street Arts in Albuquerque:

Update (May 29):  I've been experimenting with online artificial intelligence programs, and colored and altered the above drawing in Google's DEEP DREAM GENERATOR (using a photo of this spaghetti monster accident, made on the 3D printer material at QueLab hackerspace in Albuquerque, as a style reference).  The result was too extreme however, so I blended the original jpg above, with the altered Deep Dream image, in Photoshop (with "opacity in the layers window) and came up with the more restrained, and pleasing, image below.

blended with the original image
as a transparent overlay in Photoshop
(On Instagram)

Then I enhanced the resolution with another online artificial intelligence program -- Let's Enhance -- to 2560 x 2048 pixels, in order to print the result larger.  That file can be downloaded:

This was the "style image"

This is the raw enhancement
before I blended it with the original drawing

John Tollett had a different idea on how to alter this drawing -- I applied the watercolor action script, then applied the built-in Photoshop filters “cutout" and “watercolor,” then “cutout” again, then “unsharp mask."

John Tollett's version

In a saloon somewhere,
behind the bar

It looks a lot better in the bar, than in a hackerspace somewhere:

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