Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Monday 28 May 2018

May 28, 2018

Drawn at Gary's house in Tijeras, New Mexico:

Altered in Google's Deep Dream Generator,
and further tweaked in XnView

Wooden pencil case housing

Josh made this wooden pencil case housing for me on the lathe at QueLab hackerspace.  I just slip a store-bought lead holder inside, and it stays snug.  The extra thickness around the pencil makes a huge difference, as I can control the pencil better.  

I still hold the pencil the same way I would for writing, but the thicker pencil casing throws a lot of the movement into my shoulder, allowing me to draw longer lines.  As it is round, I can still twist the pencil tip a bit with my fingers, as I push and pull the pencil at the same time, with my shoulder.

Lead holders always break on me, and I can push them out of the pencil case holder when that happens (and put in another lead holder).   With the custom made thicker pencils, like I had in the past, I'd have to throw away the whole pencil when something goes wrong.

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