Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Saturday 16 December 2017

December 16, 2017

Drawn in the Argos Gallery of Santa Fe:

30 minute etch
in ferric chloride

I started the session by drawing with a #3 Korn's Lithograpic lead, onto a copper plate prepared with red BIG ground,  with the ultimate aim of making an etching -- having taken the etching workshop at Argos the previous weekend.

It was freezing in Santa Fe, so the copper plate was cold.  The litho pencil did not go on easily, though as the plate warmed up (or maybe it was me that warmed up), it was easier to draw on the BIG ground.

Drawing with a #3 Korn's lithgraphhic lead

Scribing into the drawing
with a sewing machine needle
in a lead holder

The Korn's lead is water soluble,
so it washes off easily

Scribing with both a fine sewing machine needle,
and an etching tool

I printed the proof at Remarque Print Workshop
in Albuquerque

I also did a drawing at that session

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