Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Sunday 30 August 2015

August 20, 2015

Drawn at 3rd Street Arts in Albuquerque:

Update:  Dec 22, 2015:

I hope to turn the above drawing into a bronze sculpture (I've done this before, making a relief sculpture from one of my drawings).

Daniel Hornung and MetalPhysic Inc in Tucson are interpreting my drawing into a 3D sculpture:

MetalPhysic is translating the above drawing
into a 3D digital image
with Zbrush

Work in progress,
in Chrome with HTML 5

Updated 3D model -- March 24, 2017
in Chrome with HTML5

Digital STL file of previous image,
imported into Google Tilt Brush,
and drawn on in 3D
by Sergio Ramos of FabLab El Paso

Update: Skinpop of Mexico City, used one of the same reference images to make a collaboration silkscreen with me, pulled at Taller 75 Grados.

May 25, 2017:  Shapeways printed out the digital 3D file in color  -- uploaded to Instagram:

I made an animated GIF at EZgif.com

September 2017:

Jeremy of Xerocraft imported this digital 3D figure into the virtual Krrrland, which one can visit online:

Sculpture in virtual Krrrlandia

Sculpture in virtual Krrrlandia

October 2017 -- large version CNC milled out in Styrofoam (in one piece) at Metalphysic in Tucson: