Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Saturday 22 March 2014

March 22, 2014

I took the milled Styrofoam figures from the Tucson Sculpture Festival 2014, to display in the window of HeatSync hackerspace in Mesa (near Phoenix) in time for their Southwest Maker Fest:

I marveled at the Roomba robot at the Intel tent, which was controlled by a Kinect and an Android tablet, using ROS robot software.  I asked the man in the tent if we could stand my Styrofoam figure on his robot, to make a sculpture essentially controlled by a cell phone:



The Styrofoam figure was milled out by Metalphysic foundry in Tucson, from a 3D body scan by OpenSkan, made at the Tucson Sculpture Festival 2014.

I also talked to the guys in the Mad Fellows hackerspace tent, who showed me a chapter in ProArduino (written by one of their members), which allows one to control physical objects with a cell phone.

was also at the Southwest Maker Fest

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