Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Monday 19 November 2012

November 16, 2012

I went to Gangplank Tucson for their brown bag presentation, and did a show-and-tell on 3D printing.

I projected images of my robust 3D project on their screen:

I also projected the Xerocraft skull in augmented reality, with my own portable projector, which runs on a gel battery (so I am not dependent on an electrical outlet):

I am exhibiting the latest incarnation of my relief sculpture at Gangplank this month:

Smaller cast and 3D print of the above relief, made from a digital file:

Table with my other 3D prints:

Many variations of a portrait by Alison Aragon.  I had the original Sculpey model 3D scanned -- then 3D printed in PLA (red), milled in Styrofoam to make a large ceramic casting, sand casted in bronze (from the adjacent 3D print), and made into a quick thermoplastic mold (maybe good for jello shots):

The Xerocraft skull 3D printed in 2 sizes, with business cards to see it in augmented reality (one day we will cast those 3D prints in metal):

3 bronze castings -- lost PLA head, lost PLA body, 3D printed bronze sculpture by Alison Aragon.  Plus a large green portrait by Susan Kay Johnson, 3D printed in ABS plastic by Blaine (who gave the brown bag presentation last week at Gangplank):

Jim showed 3D prints of his dog, made in black nylon, at Solid Concepts in Tucson:

Xerocraft 3D printed a smaller PLA version of Susan Kay Johnson's portrait, on an Ultimaker:

After the Gangplank presentation, I took the 3D print to Susan Kay Johnson, who exhibited it at the Tucson Museum of Art Artisan's Market, next to the original:

One of Susan's life sized sculptures at the Artisans Market:

Susan and Gonzalo relaxing at the Artisan's Market:

Gonzalo and the Sculpture Resource Center exhibited at the Artisan's Market also:

My print amongst others at the Artisan's Market:

Jorge's work, from the Sculpture Resource Center, at the Artisan's Market:

1 comment:

  1. Nicely done...sorry to have missed your presentation.The SRC and Susan's booth were the most interesting at the TMA, in my opinion.

    Happy Thanksgiving.


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