Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 10 October 2012

October 9, 2012

We made silk screen monoprints at the Sculpture Resource Center, working as a collective Taller sin Miedo.

Joshua squeezing water-based silk screen paint from ketchup bottles:

The paint pattern before pulling the squeegee:

Gonzalo slipped a print of a face under the silk screen, and then painted over the screen with silk screen ink:

 The image on the screen, after the squeeqee had been pulled:

Awesome print:

 I tried Cuni water-based encaustic paints, which I bought at the Miles Conrad Gallery, and painted them on the silk screen.  Then I squeegeed the encaustic paint over a print I had done previously:

The water-based encaustic inks were still sticky when I left the studio, hours later:

I also cut a mask in newsprint, and placed it over a print I had done previously:

This is what the monoprint looked like, after I squeegeed a background onto the print:

I colored this print with Caran d'Ache watercolor pencils and crayons, trying to figure out a color scheme:

Later I experimented by first making a color background with the monoprint technique, and then screening the drawing over it:

Gonzalo, monoprinted over a previous print:

Joshua made a large portrait with 4 monoprints:

Not a monoprint, but innovative.  The next day Gonzalo screen printed on Mexican bark paper (amate) and formed it around a piece of wood, to make a silk screen sculpture:

Joshua designed the collective's logo:

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