Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Thursday 25 October 2012

October 25, 2012

James Stewart translated one of my drawings into a digital 3D object, and I uploaded it to Thingiverse.

View the above object in augmented reality with the Augment app.

Try it at home

Original drawing:

Many views in Rhino:

My drawing in the background:

Visualisation by Thingiverse:

Update: Jan 13, 2012 -- since some of the parts of this figure are floating, it would be difficult to print it out on a 3D printer.  Therefore I opted to laser etch it in glass at Memories in Crystal (the real thing looks so much better than the below picture):

 Josiah Grennell also made a chrome animation of this drawing:

My drawings in OpenSim, after being translated into 3D:


We have been casting some 3D prints at Xerocraft hackerspace --

Sand cast of a 3D printed portrait
by Alison Aragon 

Also at the hackerspace we 3D printed out Eric's sculpture on the Ultimaker, then sent it to a commercial company to cast it in bronze, using the "lost PLA" process.

The smaller bronze beside original scanned sculpture:

If we had 3D printed thicker walls, the PLA plastic might not have caved in when vacuuming the investment around the figure, and we would have made a good casting without the holes:


I also 3D bronze printed a clay sketch sculpture by Alison Aragon.  I had the piece 3D scanned at Metalphyic in Tucson, and uploaded that file to iMaterialise, for them to print at 4 inches high:

Metalphysic scanned the broken leg separately, and "glued" it back on with software:


A piece from my first digital 3D sculpture came out of the kiln recently:

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