Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 28 July 2021

July 27, 2021

The Tuesday Night drawing group of Santa Fe drew together online using Zoom, because of the Covid 19 quarantine. The model was from San Angelo, Texas.

The pen drawings below were colored with Petalica Paint:


The drawings below were colored with Deep Dream Generator:

To be cut for relief printing

UPDATE (April 29, 2022):  I carved and altered the lino square:

I finally printed it on May 9, 2022:

Black and White

I want to convert the image into a format to cut into linoleum on the LASER CUTTER.

but using "stamp pad" ink

I converted a lot of these drawings into Black and White images in XnView {Image/Convert to Binary/Binary (Floyd Steinberg)}.

Note that YANDEX, the Russian search engine, does a lot better reverse image search than Google.

That is, when I do an image search on one of my drawings, Yandex delivers a lot of results that are similar to my drawing.  This is a huge resource.

  • Online drawing was cancelled the next week, August 3rd.
However on August 3rd I did go to the presentation of the August resident printmakers at Remarque Print Workshop:

Tuesday 27 July 2021

Tortilla Press

¡¡¡Viva the Tortilla Printing Revolution!!!

Manuel Guerra is coming up from El Paso to make prints during the downtown Albuquerque Art Walk on August 6th, 2021!  We bought a lightweight wooden TORTILLA PRESS designed by Los Tres Gatos of Guadalajara, just for the occasion.

This lightweight Tortilla Press for Printmaking
will make 8 x 10 inch linocut prints
on paper

Joseph Velasquez of Drive By Press built and sent us this tortilla press from Florida.  In the video below he demonstrates how to use the tortilla press:


Guadalajara 2019 

We have made prints on the streets before.  In the summer of 2019 we made prints on the streets of Guadalajara with Los Tres Gatos, the inventors of this tortilla press (Xavier Moreno and Alejandra Mares), and Meño Miranda!


For the opening of the Desert Triangle Print Carpeta in Las Cruces (November 1, 2019), we printed on the streets of Las Cruces, New Mexico.

Next Stop: SANTA FE

The day after the August 2021 downtown Albuquerque Art Walk we are planning to tortilla print in Santa Fe, at the top of Canyon Road, with the Hecho a Mano gallery, on August 7th.  It should be fairly casual printing on Saturday afternoon.

We are planning to return to Hecho a Mano on Friday, August 27th, and tortilla print during the opening of Alberto Cruz, printmaker from Oaxaca.

We will tortilla print on 8 x 8 inch paper.  Therefore we distributed a few 7 x 7 inch, and 6 x 6 inch, linoleum squares for artists to cut for tortilla printing.

I left some linoleum squares in Santa Fe
for Frank Rose to distribute amongst his artists,
which we will be able to tortilla print during the August 27th opening

7 x 7 inch uncut linoleum square
on the tortilla press

From GUADALAJARA with Love
Inventors of the Tortilla Press

Los Tres Gatos are sending us two linoleum plates from Guadalajara, Mexico to print on the streets of New Mexico.  The tortilla press is their idea and design:

Alejandra Mares' round linoleum plate

Xavier Moreno's round linoleum plate

Los Tres Gatos not only printed these linoleum plates on their tortilla press, but they live streamed the printing on Instagram from Guadalajara!!!

Woodzilla on Etsy is also selling a version of a tortilla press for making relief prints.

 International FANTASY!

The TORTILLA PRESS should easily print on 8 x 8 inch paper.  This size is large enough to make impressive prints, but small enough to send in the mail cheaply, even to Mexico.  So why not have international pop-up print exhibitions!!!

If we make five good 8 x 8 inch prints in New Mexico and El Paso, we could send them to Los Tres Gatos in Guadalajara.  They could exhibit them with five of their 8 x 8 inch prints.  10 good prints would make a great pop-up exhibition one night.  Those of the host venue could even sell their prints, and augment the pop-up show with other bigger prints.

Likewise Guadalajara could send up five good 8 x 8 inch prints to the USA, and we could have that same pop-up exhibition in Albuquerque and/or El Paso.  Ultimately there would be TWO pop-up print shows in two countries.  Going international in the 21st century is exciting!!!

MOREOVER the 8 x 8 inch prints look great in inexpensive 10 x 13 inch frames:

We really have to thank Eric Thomson, owner of Argos Studio Gallery in Santa Fe, for not only coming up with this framing solution, but also matting 158 pieces of 8 x 8 inch prints for the Ambos Lados International Print Exchange.

The 158 framed 8 x 8 inch prints of the Ambos Lados International Print Exchange looked great hanging at the Taos Center for the Arts in 2020 (right before the Covid lockdown):

Perhaps we would have many 8 x 8 inch print pop-up shows, that could even blossom into a larger show like the Ambos Lados exhibition above in Taos.

We could keep up the print momentum by posting on Instagram and a print blog (like the Ambos Lados blog).

Moreover we could curate and self-publish a catalog, like we did for Ambos Lados.  It's free to upload the catalog to Amazon, so there is little initial cost.  This is the 21st Century!


One cannot send paintings and sculptures far and wide, and across borders, and spark and buoy this kind of art dialogue.


The tortilla press is perfect to fan grassroots exhibitions.   This would take some kind of organization, but if  everyone were enthused, it would not cost that much.  Moreover as exhibitions of 10 prints are manageable, the load and cost could easily be distributed amongst all the printmakers, if done with love.

The previous print projects that we sponsored -- Desert Triangle Print Carpeta, Ambos Lados International Print Exchange, and even the YayBig and Horned Toad Print Exchanges  and Horned Toad Print Exchange II, did cost enough to be prohibitive in the future.  However thinking smaller with tortilla press exchanges, it might be possible to continue the print momentum in the future.


Past pop-up print show:

Showing prints together, from two distant cities (but not two different countries):

Instagram long distance print interaction --  Juan de Dios Mora of San Antonio interviewing Manuel Guerra of El Paso:

This event in June at the Ruben Center in El Paso (on the UTEP campus) ignited this surge to print with small presses on location:

Irving Herrera, one of the master printmakers of Oaxaca:


Henry Morales and I went through a trial run on the tortilla press in his studio on August 2nd.  Details at this linkNote the fresh print framed in a nice looking $2 Walmart frame.

300 squares of Rives Lightweight White,
hand torn 8 x 8 inch paper 
for printing on the tortilla press

August 6th, 2021

We are printing live during the downtown Albuquerque Art Walk on August 6th, 2021 -- 807 4th Street SW in Barelas.  

The red stars note our location in the August Art Walk downloadable map below:

We are setting up in the parking lot
at the "Art Print Station"
for the Albuquerque August Art Walk

Manuel Guerra is driving up from El Paso to print on the tortilla press with us on Friday, August 6th; and in Santa Fe in front of Hecho a Mano on Saturday, August 7th (830 Canyon Road).

Poster with Instagram addresses

We are praying that 
the ABQ and Santa Fe tortilla printing events
unfold well


While we are printing on the street in Barelas, Julianna Kirwin will be showing prints on the other side of downtown -- 8th and Mountain.  This exhibition also runs from 5 - 8 PM on August 6th, during the same Albuquerque Art Walk.

showing prints during the same Art Walk

Printing at HECHO A MANO
Saturday, August 7th, 2021

We are TORTILLA PRESS printing in Santa Fe the next day at HECHO A MANO gallery, from 1 - 4 PM, August 7th. -- 830 Canyon Road.