Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Wednesday 31 March 2021

March 30, 2021

The Tuesday Night drawing group of Santa Fe drew together online using Zoom, because of the Covid 19 quarantine.

All the drawings were doing in Paint 3D. This weeks drawings leaned more abstract.  I made the video of compilations of the drawings, using all six video options in Paint 3D.

Download all the "drawings/sculptures" -- 210330_GLB_decimated.zip (8.21 MB)

I drew on this in Paint 3D

Recorded in Paint 3D
using Mixed Reality

John Tollett made more realistic sketches that night.

How about applying John Zorn's Cobra musical approach to visual collaborations?

Sunday 28 March 2021

50 Gráficas por MAPECO -- “Miradas sobre la niñez”

"Future Piñata"
by HnRЯRy
(collaborative print between Henry Morales and I)

50 Gráficas por MAPECO “Miradas sobre la niñez”

We are participating in a Mexican print project organized by Samuel Díaz Gaona, "a nombre del Taller Escuela Manuel Pérez Coronado."  The project is called “50 Gráficas por MAPECO “Miradas sobre la niñez”  -- 50 Prints by MAPECO " A look towards childhood."  The sponsoring print studio is in Uruapan, Michoacán, Mexico.

We were very impressed with the printmakers in Uruapan when we visited their studio in 2019 at MAPECO, as part of the Ambos Lados tour of Mexico.

Check out one of the previous portfolios produced by Samuel Diaz Gaona at MAPECO:

Also other print portfolios by "Escuela Manuel Pérez Coronado" at MAPECO:

HnRЯRy Print Collaboration

Henry Morales and I created a collaboration print for the project at "Studio M," Henry's studio in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  We are calling ourselves "HnRЯRy" Colectivo.

The print collaboration 
by "HnRЯRy" Colectivo

"Studio M" in Albuquerque
Henry Morales in his printmaking studio

I started the collaboration print by giving Henry Morales one of my 3D drawings from March 16th.  I doctored it up in Photoshop Elements, and printed it out on a transparency.  We stuck that transparency onto the linoleum, and Henry Morales cut it out, after adding his own elements to the print.

before printing it out on a transparency

I printed the image out on a transparent sticky-back
at FedEx Office, and applied it to the linoleum --
Henry said that cutting through the plastic was difficult

Henry Morales holding the linoleum plate
after we attached the transparency of my drawing to it
at Art Enhancement framing shop

Henry's drawing

The cut linoleum

Feeding the Roadrunner break

The edition of 8

We are submitting an edition of 8 prints, on cotton paper of 250 grams, of 11.02 x 9.84 inches, with an image of no more than 8.66 x 7.48 inches:

  • TEMÁTICA: La niñez, cómo vemos a la niñez en la actualidad en nuestra geografía inmediata, ya sea en la comunidad indígena, campesina, urbana o suburbana. La constante transformación a nivel global del entorno cultural y natural, con repercusiones en lo social y educativo de las micro culturas y la subsecuente perdida cotidiana y definitiva de espacios de interacción social y de convivencia.
  • FORMATO: dimensiones del papel de 28 x 25 cm. en papel de algodón de 250 grs. -Dimensiones máximas de la estampa 22 x 19 cm. en cualquier sentido.

  • Cada estampa deberá llevar al reverso los datos de la ficha técnica: 
  • Nombre del artista  -- HnRЯRy
  •  Título de la pieza -- "Future Piñata"
  • Técnica  -- Linocut
  • Dimensiones -- image size: 19 x 21.5 cm (w x h)
  •  Taller al que pertenece  -- Studio M
  •  Ciudad o país -- Albuquerque, New Mexico

On the back of the prints

EXPOSICIONES Y DIFUSIÓN: La exposición de grabado de esta actividad se plantea sea primero en Uruapan, después en otros centros y ciudades; en Pátzcuaro, “Casa de la Cultura del Valle de Zamora”, Morelia y otros lugares que se solicite y acuerde.

From the US side of the border

Saturday 27 March 2021

March 23, 2021

The Tuesday Night drawing group of Santa Fe drew together online using Zoom, because of the Covid 19 quarantine.  The model was in South Carolina, and Tanya drew with us again.

I added the drawings of John Tollett and Tanya Rich, from the same session, to my video above.  Holly Grimm drew the model on Dada NYC -- here and here.

Download all the "drawings/sculptures" below -- 210323_GLB_decimated.zip (2.72 MB)

TANYA's Drawings

Tanya Rich drew with us for the second time, after March 16, 2021.

Tanya loaded up almost all my print collection in a 5 x 8 foot U-Haul and drove them to West Palm Beach, Florida.  She is planning on showing the prints at her house in Salon sin Miedo.

Tanya making off with my print collection from Albuquerque
Friday, March 26th

Print collection arrives in Florida,
March 30th