Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

March 27, 2019

Drawn at 3rd Street Arts in Albuquerque:

These drawings were altered with the "unsharp mask" tool in Photoshop, unless otherwise specified:

No unsharp mask

Unsharp mask then Paintschainer

No unsharp mask

Paintschainer  (no unsharp mask)

Unsharp mask with Paintschainer

No unsharp mask

Paintschainer (no unsharp mask)

No unsharp mask

Friday 29 March 2019

March 26, 2019

Drawn in the Argos Gallery of Santa Fe:


Runway AI

Holly Grimm is featured in this Vasari21 article touching on current digital art  -- The Soul of the New Machines

March 19, 2019

Drawn in the Argos Gallery of Santa Fe:



I submitted 3 drawings for the next Tuesday Night Drawing exhibition and catalog at Argos Studio/Gallery.  Opening on May 10, 2019.