Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Sunday 31 July 2016

Saturday 30 July 2016

July 30, 2016

Drawn in the Argos Gallery of Santa Fe:

While I was learning to draw, people often compared my style to Giacometti. And now when I do a Google search -- "Search Google for Image" -- "Visually similar images" -- Giacometti's drawings often come up.

Friday 29 July 2016

July 28, 2016

Drawn at Hoffmantown Studio in Albuquerque (run by Marilyn Drake):


Drawn at 3rd Street Arts in Albuquerque:


July 27, 2016

Drawn at Hoffmantown Studio in Albuquerque (run by Marilyn Drake):


Drawn at 3rd Street Arts in Albuquerque:


Tuesday 26 July 2016

July 26, 2016

Drawn in the Argos Gallery of Santa Fe:



The Tuesday night Argos group had a show of life drawings, and published a catalog on Amazon (I am not in it):

Sunday 24 July 2016

July 24, 2016

Drawn at the New Mexico Art League in Albuquerque:

I like this drawing by Graham Fink,
but he only uses his eyes

Saturday 23 July 2016

July 23, 2016

Drawn at Argos Gallery in Santa Fe:

I created an etching by drawing from this live model, for the Print Zero Print Exchange 2016 of Seattle.  I created the edition at New Grounds Print Workshop in Albuquerque, right after finishing their etching class.

I started by drawing from the model with a Tombow marker, in order to see the drawing:

The Tombow marker smeared
as I used the etching tool
to scratch away the ground

Enhanced line work,
after scanning the copper plate;
has not been etched yet

"Normalized", "Negative", Flip Horizontal"
in Xnview,
to get an idea how the plate would look
when etched and printed

Mary helped me proof the etching the next day,

(but the foot in the lower left corner disappeared)

We re-filed the edges,
after using the yellow filling too

I re-coated the plate with hard ground,
and scratched in a few more lines on the phantom foot.
Then we spitbite etched that area for about 10 minutes.


We flattened the prints the next day,
on a dry mount press

Final print with foot

I mailed off my prints to the Print Zero Print Exchange on July 29th.

Print Zero has self-published catalogs on Lulu of at least two of their previous print exchanges: