Tucson Sculpture Festival 2012

Saturday 21 May 2016

Skinpop collaboration

I asked Skinpop of Mexico City (Raul Urias and Mustafa) to interpret one of my drawings.  Then Taller 75 Grados silk screened it.  Thank you very much Maestro Arturo Negrete!

Displayed at 
(I need to get a better picture of the print)

(June 11, 2016 opening)

Printed from this image

The silkscreening process at Taller 75 Grados in Mexico City:

The below two drawings are what Skinpop used for reference to make the serigraph  --
"...las imágenes que los Skinpop usaron de referencia para la gráfica..."

at his opening at Galeria Pangea, November 19th, 2015.
Raul created one of the above Javier Marin serigraphs,
at Taller 75 Grados

The print wound up in a series "Brown Girls,"
in the bedroom of the main character

Also note that Daniel at MetalPhysic Sculpture Studio in Tucson, used one of the same source images to start on the 3D collaboration of ours:

by MetalPhysic in Tucson
(soon to be a bronze)

UPDATE:  Showing my print collaboration with 9 others from Taller 75 Grados at ACE Barbershop in November 2016, in downtown Albuquerque.

Framed and guarded by Steampunk Security,
in downtown El Paso, 
Feb 23, 2017

This print was mentioned, at least in the write up of this YouTube interview.

Update:  It looks like this print was exhibited in Colombia in 2016:

Update (August 17, 2020):  

Raul Urias, who collaborated with me on the serigraph, had a doddle that was featured in Google Search on August 17, 2020, commemorating Librado Silva Galeana's 78th birthday.

Tuesday 17 May 2016